All About GomaPero

- All about Gomapero -

On this page, you can find all the content created by Goma Pero.
This content is mainly a new land, outfits and poses.
Goma's work is highly appreciate on the blog and everywhere, so I dedicate a unique page.
Gomapero's Twitter
Gomapero's Flickr

Goma Pero Land
Actual Version: V4.2
A place to discover and to take screenshots. No need to be the dragonborn to enter here 😋
     This new worldspace has been created to take a break. A place to highlight your character and to take nice images. Bikini required!!!!....or not....😊
    A fast travel is available on the Skyrim map. You'll find swimming pools, saunas, bars, palms, baths, beaches, opulent interiors and more....
     The mod supports multi weathers system. Its strong point is that you have a huge amount of light source to show all details of your character....

 Goma Pero Poses v12
     An important pack of poses for Oldrim and SSE. You'll find all sort of poses for your character or your follower(s). Standing, sitting, laying, action, sexy, not sexy, lore friendly and some not lore friendly...... 
     This pack is downloadable throught Halo's page....who also create poses.

Pero Pero Armor Pack UUNP Pack 1

Pero Pero Armor Pack UUNP Pack 2

Pero Pero Armor Pack UUNP Pack 3

Goma Pero Mini Bikini UUNP
Goma MiniBikini Update - UUNP

Gomapero MiniBikini update 2 UUNP

Goma Pero Pero Mage robes UUNP replacer/ standalone

- Outfits included in Goma Pero Land -

Fine Clothes (2 outfits) UUNP


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