Pero Pero Armor Pack 2 UUNP (Domino) 4K

Pero Pero Armor Pack 1:

Pero Pero Armor Pack 2: Here 😊

Pero Pero Armor Pack 3:

Pero Pero Armor Pack 2 by Gomaperopero (Not required)

or the direct link

Pero Pero Armor Pack 2 UUNP by CNKTHoward (LL) all included


  1. Replies
    1. Indeed :)
      For me, it's a bit too much modern to include in my game, but the first outfit is stylish and textures are good. Good bodyslide too.
      The contrast with Domino's skin is great...I believe.

      Thanks Joe.

  2. I agree with it being too modern for a normal skyrim playthrough, its great for screenshots in something like Aether Suite though!


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