Hentai Pants UUNP (Diana) 4K


A minimalist mod today.
A panty! Could not be more straightforward 😄
The panty is available in two different shapes.
One on the thigh, and another one on the pelvis.
Unfortunatly, the bodyslide does not have an interesting result. Meshes become really "chaotic" 😵 . Poses don't help either. That's very difficult to obtain a decent result, whatever the pose.

The panty around the thigh provides a slightly better result, but the global shape always miss something.

Well, I'm not convinced and I waited more.
Feel free to try. Maybe you'll have better results than me. However, original meshes are already messy, so I doubt that you could obtain a wonderful result. 
If you want to use it, I recommend to clean the mesh in the bodyslide first. Mainly to soften meshes.

Yes, I'm disappointed.....and a bit more today because I did the showcase in the Great Novigrad Bathhouse....which is a new place to visit......and a masterpiece. Let's be honest. That's mainly done for screenarchery.
By Artsick and Shinglescat https://feeling-artsick.tumblr.com/post/181348977857/heres-an-impromptu-christmas-present-courtesy-of, i strongly recommend you to try this mod (This mod is available for Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE). That's a duplication of the original bathhouse of Novigrad. It's a Witcher 3 content. You probably know that I played The Witcher 3 several months ago, so I know the original place.
And I guarantee that this mod is very close to the original content.
I really appreciate the lighting and textures. The global mix is really good and it's really immersive.

I had pretty good results with the mix Relighting Skyrim + Enhanced Lighting for ENB.
Feel free to give me your feedback if you use another lighting system like ELFX or RLO, vanilla or others.
I'm interested by your opinion.

This place is extremly fps friendly. I'm sure that you'll reach a high level of FPS.
The only negative point are some wall flickerings probably caused by too many lights shining on large meshes. It's a limitation of the Skyrim engine, not the mod. That's a bit disturbing but the global result is pretty cool.

Well, a nice stylish place to take screenshots of your favorite model. Diana liked a lot the place.
And she will come back, again, in the Novigrad Bathhouse. But for this next article, I will select a high polished lingerie....or maybe for a lust article....

A warm bath!


Hentai Pants

Hentai Pants UUNP

Novigrad Bathhouse by Artsick and Shingelscat
or the direct link


  1. Hello Marmotte! I't's been a while since I've posted on one of your articles.
    I've tried this one and I agree with you about the bodyslide. I couldn't get it to work perfectly so I uninstalled this as it's not worth using up an ESP slot in my load order. I did find a decent alternative for screenshots over on TESLab called "Shedding Lace" : https://seesaawiki.jp/teslab/d/UUNP%20Bodyslide

    1. Hi Joe,
      No worry about posting. You comment when you want and desire. No obligation.

      About the panty:
      Original meshes are messy, so that's difficult to obtain a decent bodyslided result. You probably use another body than me, and the result is not good too.
      Well, it's not worth using up an esp , like you write. I agree.
      Maybe some people can clean a bit meshes in the bodyslide, if they really need this sort of conversion.

      I know the Shedding Lace UUNP. I'll do it. It's the same spirit in my opinion.
      Thanks for the reminder and the link.


  2. OK, I love the new do. We've been over this before, but it seems to give her a bit more "badassery" than the traditional hairstyle. I did mention Ivy V before, but now I'm thinking Aeon Flux.

    I'll be sure to try the new location mod, thank you. Something for SSE!

    1. Well Rui,
      On this point, you totally got me. My influence was Charlize Theron concerning the haircut. She has a perfect face for short hair, and so, I tried on Diana as well. It works.
      Really you got me!

      I have no secrets anymore ;)

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