H2135's Fantasy Series 4 UUNP (Lorelei) 4K


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 Thank you

H2135's Fantasy Series 4 original by Harry2135 (Patreon)

or the direct link

H2135's Fantasy Series 4 UUNP conversion by Hhermes


  1. This armor is pretty incredible. Is this UUNP conversion full HDT cloth like the original CBBE version?

    1. Hi Athena.

      The free Patreon version is normal HDT and the UUNP bodyslide is also HDT.

      The SMP effect is for Patrons and for CBBE (not showcased here).

    2. Thanks Marmotte! Always appreciate your fast replies, you run a good blog with good taste.

      I hope as new games come out that fit your liking, you create new sites and get the recognition from game communities for the quality you provide!

    3. I receive a message on my phone, where ever I am, when I have a message. So, I can answer quickly even if I am in the middle of nowhere :)
      If i'm at home, I heard my email messenger.

      I'm meditating about new blogs... that's right.


  2. Thanks, author, you're the best

  3. Fantasy OneJune 09, 2019

    More of her please :D she looks gorgeous! nice showcase by the way, me like it a lot :D

    1. Hy again Fantasy.

      As you probably know, i'm having a break currently. The blog took me a lot of time, and a pause is welcome.

      Currently, i have the desire to build a new pc. I'll probably wait July to update my computer because of the new processor Rysen 3900X......probably my choice.

      I hope to meet you in July with a new computer.


    2. Fantasy OneJune 11, 2019

      Indeed, taking care a blog is not an easy task, it does require quite a lot of time if we doing it seriously (like yours), I perfectly understand that believe me, because I'm still doing it right now (but for work).

      I wish you can get your new PC as soon as possible, and I hope to meet you again in July with your machine, nothing can beat the good feel and taste of new machine, really...:D

  4. Very nice bblog you have here


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