Armor of the Wild Prophet UUNP (Kissmiax) 4K

Armor of the Wild Prophet base by Collygon (Tumblr)

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 Armor of the Wild Prophet UUNP convertion by Thanh (Tumblr)

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  1. Hooray, more Kissimax! Balgruuf couldn't ask for a better bodyguard.

    1. True. She achieved to have a role next to Balgruuf :)
      I'll probably include Balgruff a bit more when I use Kissmiax.

      However, I don't achive the good result with her skin.
      Fairskin complexion is perfect for nord and darkelf...but for orcs, I believe I need to change.

      Thank you Syl

  2. Well, you could take a look at my post on Viconia; I ended up having to make my own diffuse map by tweaking saturation and color and layering it in. Darker colors are horrid to try to deal with on Fair Skin-- you get almost no real variation because it's so damn bright. As advertised, I guess, lol.

    I tried using some of the older more saturated skins out there, but none had the quality I was after-- many were too blotchy. I have been spoiled...


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