by Rogdonlp
appearance of new mods for Skyrim Special Edition has been
accelerating. As of June 21, 2018, there were 18,122 SSE mods listed on
Nexus. 2,369 of these mods have been posted on Nexus in 2018. With
the constant appearance of new mods, it has been hard for the authors of
mod lists and modders to keep up to date. As a way to see what new
mods I should be considering for my next SSE build I decided to look at
mod lists that were up to date and created by well-respected authors.
The seven SSE Mod Guide lists that I chose to review were the following:
Mod Guides with Few Options
- Lexy’s: Legacy of the Dragonborn SE 411 mods included in list
- Mod List 2018 394 mods included in list
- SkyVerse Guide 393 Mods included in list
- Tech’s Skyrim Special Edition Guide v2 165 mods included in list
Mod Guides with Options
- BOSS – A Total Overhaul Project for Skyrim SSE 830 mods included in list https://www.nexusmod...ion/mods/10484/?
- Nordic Skyrim – Yet Another Guide to Modding Your Skyrim 976 mods included in list
- TUCO Guide 3.1 Mod List and Tutorial for Mod Organizer 2.1 135 Mods included in list
order to track of all of the mods mentioned in the above seven guide
lists I created a spreadsheet that listed all of the mods mentioned in
the seven guide lists down the leftmost column and the names of the
seven guide lists at the top of columns B through H. The mods that were
mentioned in a particular guide list were checked off in that guide
list’s column. During the days that it took me to create the
spreadsheet most of the guide lists were updated. So, the spreadsheet
was not up to date when I finished it.
five ESMs, Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, Hearthfires, and Dragonborn were
not included in the spreadsheet. Patches for a mod were listed
separately from the mod unless the patch used the same Nexus mod number;
i.e. it was included with the mod on the mod’s nexus page. ENBs were
not included.
Spreadsheet results
total number of distinct mods mentioned in all of the guide lists
totaled 1,763. The number of mods that were mentioned in all seven
guide lists totaled 22 or 1.25% of the 1,763 mods. The number of mods
that were mentioned in only one guide list totaled 932 or 52.9%.
However, between guide lists there was more commonality. For example,
38% of the mods mentioned in the Boss Guide List were also mentioned in
the Nordic Skyrim Guide List.
these numbers indicate is that there is no consensus as to which mods
are “must have” for inclusion in your mod list for your next SSE build.
As of right now, feel free to pick and choose the mods that you want.
course, you just cannot pick the 300+ mods that catch your eye.
Compatibility is a big issue. In a previous article I mentioned that
the Immersive Citizen AI mod, which many people say is not compatible
with a number of mods, had not caused me any problems in my thousands of
hours playing Skyrim using that mod. One should not tempt the
Divines. A week after writing those words I had an immediate
crash-to-desktop at the loading screen caused by Immersive Citizens AI.
The Nordic Skyrim Guide List has a separate section of the guide where
it discusses mods that are not compatible with Immersive Citizens AI.
The guide also has two separate mod lists – one if you are using
Immersive Citizens AI and another mod list if you are not using
Immersive Citizens AI.
Which Guide List for You
guide list authors spend hundreds of hours in researching and testing
their guide list for both compatibility and load order. Most of us just
want to play the game. Testing load order and compatibility is not for
us. Therefore, we use a guide list to get us started. Once having the
guide list mods installed and running without problems we then slowly
add our own favorite mods. But which guide list should you use to
create your stable base? I have installed all seven of the guides and
have tested these builds in my own game.
A brief summary of each guide list follows:
Lexy’s: Legacy of the Dragonborn SE
guide list is authored and maintained by Dark Lady Lexy with assistance
from Dark_mathias. The guide is hosted on STEP and uses the standard
STEP guide layout and formatting. This guide list is actually in its
third generation. In 2013 Neovalen created a STEP hosted guide entitled
Skyrim Revisted – Legendary Edition aka SRLE. At the time this was the
most advanced guide list available which required the use of
state-of-the-art modding utilities. Around 2015 Neovalen no longer had
the time to continue maintaining SRLE. Dark_mathias took over the
maintenance of SRLE. In 2016 Dark_mathias, assisted by Dark Lady Lexy,
created his own guide list – SRLE Extended: Legacy of the Dragonborn.
This guide list is still being maintained for Skyrim LE. In January
2018, with assistance from Dark_mathias, Lexy’s: Legacy of The
Dragonborn Special Edition came into being. Because of the difference
in available mods between Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE the SE guide list had
to be extensively rewritten. Installing this guide list still entails
using the latest state-of-the-art modding techniques and utilities.
This guide is NOT for a beginning player. The guide is technically
difficult to install and unlike other STEP hosted guides, there is no
handholding. As an example, for one step there were two lines of
instructions. It took me over three hours of trial-and-error to figure
out how to accomplish the task. After completing the task, I wrote out
the step by step instructions which contained 16 lines.
guide list concentrates on Survival and High-Level Combat. With other
guide lists you could exclude these types of mods from your build if
survival and extreme combat is not what you enjoy. With this guide list
the author provides conflict resolution patches and also merge files so
you don’t have to create some of the lengthy merges. If you do not
install all of the mods you will have to redo some of the merges
yourself. A worse problem is that the conflict resolution patches will
not work if they are missing the master files from the mods that you did
not install. There is a workaround for this. Using Wrye Bash you
create dummy .esp files for the missing masters. That allows you to
load the conflict resolution patch into SSEEDit where you ‘check for
errors’ and then remove the errors caused by the missing master
file(s). This process can take several hours of tedious work if you
have not installed some major mods.
install this guide every few months not because I want to use it
in-game but so that I can catch up on the latest modding methodology and
tools. I learn by doing, not by reading. The techniques and tools I
learn from installing this mod are applicable to every guide list that I
do install.
should you install this guide list? If you are into Survival and
High-Level Combat this is the guide for you. If you want to learn, to
expand your knowledge of modding and the latest utilities/tools then
build the guide list for the educational value. You do not have to play
it. For everyone else, you might want to pass on this guide.
mod is authored by Crusader4God and contains 394 mods. The author
states that this guide concentrates on graphics and gameplay. There are
no optional mods though occasionally you can substitute your own mod.
For example, for a player home the guide lists Ayleid Citadel. You have
the option of instead installing a player home mod that you prefer.
For graphics the guide does provide two separate lists of mods – one for
Mid-tier computers and the second for High-end computers. The guide
list is separated into 19 sections. Each section contains a list of
mods to install. There are no descriptions of the mod, just a Nexus
are no surprises with the mods that makeup the guide list. The mods
are mostly mainstream with only the smaller ones occasionally being
relatively unknown. Dwemer Inchor Barrel 2K and LH’s The Ignored Ones
HD are examples of the mods that I was not familiar with.
guide list provides a stable base game that covers all of the major
areas. It is very easy to install – just click on the provided links
and download. No extensive reading or decision making necessary.
From this build you can add your own mods to expand this stable base
into your personalized build.
guide is written by DrPharmDawg, contains 393 mods (425 plugins
according to the author), and utilizes Mod Organizer 2. There are only
12 options available so there are not many decisions to be made. The
guide has 20 sections with each section covering either specific tasks
or groups of mods such as audio, patches, visuals, animations, etc.
Color coding is consistently used to make reading easier. The mods have
very short descriptions so you don’t need to spend a lot of time
number of plugins contained in the guide far exceeds the 255 .esp
limit. The author specifies 94 mods that need to be merged using Merge
Plugins. There will be NavMesh errors in some of the merges.
Instructions are given to deal with these errors. Additional plugins
will also be merged into the Bashed Patch. Even with these merges your
right pane in MO2 will be very crowded.
feature of this guide, which I have not seen in other guides is that
there is a mod subsection for alchemists and another subsection for
mages. If you role play either of these characters you might want to
take a look at the bottom of Step 11: Gameplay.
is a well thought out guide list. Installation is easy, though all of
the merging may be discouraging to some. The guide covers all the bases
for various gameplay styles. In game the landscape and objects look
very nice.
Tech’s Guide
mod contains 165 mods and uses Mod Organizer 2. The author of the
guide is TechAngel85, who for many years has been one of the driving
forces behind S.T.E.P. This guide is written as a short guide to
getting started in playing SSE. The guide is hosted on STEP and uses
the STEP style and formatting which is very logical and easy to follow.
Installation of the mods is quick and easy.
guide also provides conflict resolution patches. So, if you do not
install certain mods the conflict resolution patches will not be usable
until you edit the conflict resolutions patches as mentioned in the
third paragraph of Lexy’s: Legacy of the Dragonborn SE above.
have built this guide several times as it installs quickly, provides a
stable base, and leaves plenty of room in MO2’s right pane for my
favorite mods. In game, there is nothing special to note. The game
looks good. There is nothing flashy. Everything works. For a new
person just starting to play Skyrim SE, this is the guide to use.
guide list is authored by LupusHegemonia who has 44 graphic mods (LH’s
mods) posted on Nexus SSE. Needless to say, the Skyrim that you can
create with his mod list looks outstanding. With 830 mods listed, you
will have a tremendous number of mods to choose from. However, you will
have to spend a lot of time reading his descriptions as well as going
to the mod’s page on Nexus in order to obtain a full understanding of
what the mod is and what it does. With the BOSS Guide List you cannot
just go down a list of mods, download the mods, and start to play. You
will have to invest time in learning, understanding, and picking the
mods that will create the game that you want. Your effort will be worth
guide list is broken into 29 sections which groups the mods and tasks
into a logical order. The text is color coded with each class of items
having the same color. Mod names are in a light blue color. Optional
mods are noted using magenta. Instructions are in orange. Attention
markers are in caps and in red, etc. The color coding really helps in
wading through the mass of text.
the tremendous number of mods to choose from it will be very easy for
you to exceed the 255 limit on .esp files. Also, a number of mods are
noted as being script heavy. Too many script heavy mods will either
slow down your game or crash it. Likewise, there are a lot of graphic
mods available. Do you really want to use 150GB in graphic mods in your
game that your computer has to load, overwrite, and reload again and
I used the BOSS Guide List to build my SSE game in MO2 I concentrated
on installing the graphic mods rather than other mod categories such as
gameplay, weathers, followers, etc. I ended up with 340 mods and 201
.esp files. The game looked very, very good, was stable, and served as a
good base for adding my own mods.
Nordic Skyrim
guide list is authored by nordic0cold. There are 976 mods mentioned in
this guide list. To keep things organized the guide list is separated
into 45 sections. Each section contains only one type of mod; e.g. the
Banners and Signs section only contains banner and signs mods, the Homes
and Contents section only contains mods related to homes and the items
contained within a home. Sections containing a large number of mods
such as the Large Scale Texture Mods section are broken into
subsections: large texture mods, dungeon textures, ruins caves and mines
textures, and stone textures. Organizing the mods this way really
helps in finding a particular mod. The consistent use of color-coding
in the text helps in finding information as well as making the mass of
text more readable.
guide list is intended for Nexus Mod Manager users. However, there are
sections for Mod Organizer 2 users. If you use MO2 you should not have
any problems using this guide list.
The guide has two different paths for whether you chose to use Immersive Citizens AI or not.
Nordic Skyrim has 976 mods listed, 146 more mods that BOSS, all of the
warnings in the second to last paragraph of the BOSS section should be
I used this guide list to create my Skyrim SSE build in MO2 I did
exercise caution. My load order contained 354 mods and 242 .esp files.
Merging files and creating a Bashed Patch brought the .esp count to
below 200 so I had space to add many of my favorite mods. The game ran
smoothly, without problems, and looked very good.
TUCO Guide
guide was authored by ponurymazepa and it uses Mod Organizer 2. Of the
seven guides covered in this article it is the smallest guide having
only 135 mods listed. There are a few options and you do have a choice
between high level or medium level graphics. After building the mod
list, creating one merge, and then making a Bashed Patch there were only
75 .esp files active. This leaves room for an additional 179 .esp
files for mods of your choice. This is a definite plus.
the small number of mods used the landscape looked gorgeous. Whereas
other guide lists add scores of retexture mods for everything from
bottles to palaces the TUCO Guide only added 50 retexture mods including
the landscape mods. In my playing of Skyrim SSE with the TUCO build I
really did not notice the lack of 2K and 4K textures. But maybe I am
not as sensitive to vanilla textures as others.
I loved the mod list provided by the TUCO Guide, following the guide
and creating the build was frustrating. For me the organization
structure was the worst of the seven guides. It was difficult to go
back and find a previously installed mod. Due to a lack of proofreading
there were errors in the text. As an example, one mod was noted as no
longer being used. However, in the paragraph below a patch for that mod
was still being installed. The instructions and screenshot for using
DynDOLOD had not been updated to the current version of Dyndolod. The
instructions for Bethini are not for the current version of Bethini. In
the instructions given for Bethini there is no mention of under which
tab the variable can be found. Also, the changes are not listed in tab
order. Thus, you have to bounce around from tab to tab looking for the
variable to change. The screenshots of Mod Organizer’s left and right
panes are not for the current mod list. To give you an idea of how old
some of the screen shots are, one of the screen shots shows Immersive
Sound Compendium version 1l. The current version of ISC 2r which is 32
versions later. The downloadable text files showing mod order and load
order were not up to date.
experienced modder will be able to work through the above problems.
However, a person using this guide for their very first build could
become extremely frustrated. It took me almost twice as long to install
the TUCO guide as it took me to install Tech’s Skyrim SSE Guide v2
which has 30 more mods. Despite all its problems and concerns, I do
prefer the TUCO guide over Tech’s guide as it satisfies my need for a
good-looking game without using very many .esp files.
- Lexy’s: Legacy of the Dragonborn SE - This is a technically challenging build. If you want to improve your modding skills build it. It is aimed at Survival and High-Level combat. Not designed for the average modder or player.
- Mod List 2018 and SkyVERSE Guide – These guides are easy to build, though SkyVerse is a little more technically challenging due to all of the required merging. The Guides have a different flavor, but both will result in a solid and good-looking build.
- Tech’s Guide – This guide is for the new player or a more experienced modder that wants a quick start base for their SSE game.
- Boss and Nordic Skyrim – These guides are well organized and well written. You won’t have any problem installing them except that you will have to spend lots of time reading the descriptions and deciding which mods to install. If you want to build it Your Way, these are the guides to use. Regardless of your mod choices you will have a stable and good-looking base for your game.
- TUCO’s Guide – I have a love/hate relationship with this guide. It looks very good and uses only 75 .esp files. However, the guide is poorly organized, has not been adequately proofread, screen shots and the downloadable text files are out of date, and certain utilities need more up-to-date installation/usage instructions. If you can put up with the flaws and imperfections TUCO’s Guide does its job by generating a landscape comparable to that of its much large competitors while using a very small number of mods and .esp files.
Very nice breakdown, Rogdonlp. I have to redo my SSE install soon, so this will be very helpful, thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm currently waiting on this whole update nonsense to hopefully settle down for a bit so all the mods can catch up.
Hello syl,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. It is always better to start with a guide and then tailor it to your own tastes.
When you are ready for your new build you might want to take a look at Micheal's new guide at Gamer Poets. It is not finished yet but he has videos showing the 135 mods that he has already selected.
Very nice. I have ideas about how I want, but I am not satisfied yet with the ENB/skin issue. And I have developed a distressing stutter. Well, I will sort it out. May have to wait for a vacation day.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to leave a quick note of Thanks to you for creating this Blog
ReplyDeleteI was on the fence between the Nordic Skyrim and Lexy's LotDb guides
After reading your informative breakdown I have decided to do two separate
builds using MO2's switchable Profile feature using these Guides as a template
Should be challenging ... Should be fun ... Should be done by Spring ... maybe
Hello DKZ,
DeleteI appreciate your leaving an appreciative comment. It is difficult for a writer to know if he is doing his job or not unless he gets feedback. Dark Lady Lexy/s guide is a wonderful educational experience. However, you have almost no flexibility in making changes. I just finished replacing my Tuco Guide with 300 of my own mods with Nordic Skyrim with 100 of my mods. I spent almost a day eliminating the CTDs from my load order since some of my mods did not play nice with Nordic Skyrims mods. Its okay though, I have a lot more fun modding that playing the game (hah).