Budoka Goddess UUNP (Diana) 4K

Budoka Goddess original version by Deluwyrn


Budoka Goddess UNPBO version by Arsenic


2 UUNP bodyslides available

Budoka Goddess UUNP by Slash197 (LL)

( required the original Arsenic version )

Budoka Goddess UUNP

(All included)

 " How to download on 3DM ?"😱


  1. It never fails, every time I get an email from SS that features Diana, I stop what I'm doing just to look at the Goddess! Breathtaking as ever!

    1. Your message is very cool because now I know that the email notification works. I wasn't sure about that but now I have a confirmation from you.
      Thank you for that.

      About Diana, I like to use her a lot, I admit :) She also has a good balance in images probably due to the mix ashen hair/ skin tint/ expression.
      However, I try to vary my characters to bring diversity.

      Diana and Kissmiax are on the list for the next "Lusty article". Hotter than ever :)
      I'm just searching a good theme for her.

      Thank you Badwolf.

  2. Nipply tassles are hot, and best part is they are practical armor too! lol More armor like this o/

    Def like seeing them!

    Marmotte do you know of any lewg warmers that are open heel? I saw them once in a sweater mod but they were not UUNP... Something like this: https://i.imgur.com/IgMu4tX.jpg

    Leg warmers of all sorts would be hot!

    1. Hi Athena. I don't remeber any leg warmers that are open heel. Maybe it exist....idk...
      However, you can create that with any UUNP leg warmers. You just need to add an alpha channel to the mesh ( if not present) and a transparency (to the texture) on the heel.
      I agree , it's cute. I like too :)

      For now, you can try the Osare Kneesocks UUNP https://skyrimscandal.blogspot.com/2017/09/osare-underwear-uunp-osare-kneesocks.html
      It's UUNP and the style you are searching but it's not open heel.

    2. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91001 I found it :)

      Not in UUNP, but maybe someday, has some great stuff in there...

      Thanks for the reply, I'll try out the Osare mod in the meantime

    3. Oh, nice. I wasn't aware of this mod by Furb. Doesn't exist in uunp i believe....but maybe one day ;)
      Good luck in your modding researches!

  3. Salas197 has made an uunp version in the past

    1. Thank you. I totally missed the Slash197 version. Sorry for that.
      Visitors have now all links available.
      Thank you again for your help


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