Dungeon Explorer/ Bikini Explorer UUNP (Idye) 4K

 Dungeon Explorer UUNP

Bikini Explorer UUNP

Dungeon Explorer original by Eiries (Nexus Oblivion) not required

Dungeon Explorer UNPB conversion by Halo (Not required)

Dungeon Explorer UUNP conversion ALL INCLUDED by Delakh (LL)


  1. That's a cute little outfit.

    1. Yes. For those who like the "Tomb Raider Spirit".
      But my interest is lowered because of its modernity. Not the stuff i'm searching.
      However, the session was interesting.

      Thanks Syl

  2. Which ENB was being used for these shots?

    1. Hi Dark1Nova,

      Since several days/weeks, I'm doing my own ENB.
      The base is a Rudy NLVA, but i'm modifying it a lot ( bloom, environement, sky, ssao, sss, weather support, etc....) I redone the ENB to match to Realistic Lighting Overhaul too and I'm working to obtain great result in specific new lands mods. Indeed, I abandon ELFX.

      So, what you see is an important tweak. I'll ask permission to Rudy to publish this "Rebalance".
      Well, it's a long work....you know that. You have made your own ENB

      I'll speak about that in my next 'update, news, thoughts" article.

      Thanks to have seen the change.

      When all will be done and edited

    2. I'm extremely excited to try this out when you publish it. It looks perfect! Well done Marmotte, you never cease to amaze me in your quality.

    3. Well, I just hope Rudy will allow me to upload this rebalance version.


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