Blog: 1 000 000 views

1) Today is a special day

Indeed, the blog had 1 million views between 1st January 2018 and today 6th september 2018.
To be honest, I never thought that this blog could have so much visits. 1 000 000 views in less than a year is a bit important in my opinion. So, I wanted to share this moment with you...and only with you.

This article is here to thank you of course. The blog could not exist without you, your interest, your presence and of course without peoples who left comments.
This blog is yours.

I started the blog in November 2016 without any special objectives. Just showcases.
But with time, I focused on special contents:
- UUNP exclusive stuff
- Lingerie specialist 😋
- Retex articles
- some ENB tests
- 4K native images
- and of course my incredible commentaries in english...

Despite the fact that Skyrim is an old game, I'm still surprised by the interest. The game refuses to die.
On my blog, I don't feel any lack of interest for the game and new visitors still increase.

2) Not an easy task

Working on an independent blog is not the easiest task. This requires to work on the presentation, colors, layout, etc... if you want a personal presentation. But it's worth it I believe.
Several month ago, I made the choice to upload 4K images. A good decision. You have details on every images. This point is important to me.

The approach of the private blog is very different compared to uploading stuff on Nexus or Flickr.
On these websites, you already have a community "behind" you. Gaining visibility is much more easier: You give → You receive.
An easy solution to spread your work, but not necessarily the best feedback you can have. These websites are also massively spam with repetitive content and individual strategies.........and I'm unfortunatly allergic to spam and strategies.
Nexus also apply restrictions to specific contents. These contents can be varied. Maybe you remember the restriction about the word "Loverslab". Restrictions can also be about a specific modder. For exemple, in the past, I received  a restriction (during 1 week😆) because I uploaded an image with Robton's armor. I talked with Robton about that.
I just want to be free to show content I like and modders I appreciate without any "cops" behind me.
I do not forget because my liberty is important. "Not my site, not my rules"@Triptherift
All these reasons motivated me to build my own place, here.
A place of freedom where I can express myself without any restrictions and far from strategies. You also know that my content stays always very wise and respecful.

About Tumblr, I don't know very good the website. Some pages are very interesting and some players create a great content.
Unfortunatly, the Tumblr limitation with raw images is not my way of work. No way to upload my images with a downsize in 1280*720! This is probably the reason why peoples link they Tumblr to Flickr and native resolutions.
I'm not sure if Tumblr made the right choice with this limitation in 2018.

3) Create a private place

So, yes, I recommend everybody to work on an individual blog. It's contructive and a solution to go beyond yourself.
Blogger is a good plateform. Easy and powerful. Good choice for beginners like me. Google owns blogger.
Wordpress is in my opinion better than Blogger with much more stuff and it's modern.

4) The world is mine 😄

The entire world comes here. There are no frontiers. Lol, it's amazing.
If you are interested, here are the Top 25 countries who come on Skyrim Scandal. There are surprises!!😲
Of course, I thank all other countries who are not present here on the list. Almost all countries of the world visit the blog. Countries who don't come on the blog have generally a restricted access internet.

5) No blog without modders

Of course, Skyrim Scandal could not exist without modders.
All modders who create textures, enb, outfits, animations, assets, etc....  bring life to the blog too.
Thank you all modders.

6) The blog could have been a Youtube channel

Yes, before I started the blog, I thought about that. The blog could have been exclusively on You Tube with UUNP showcases and ENB tests.
However, I rapidly decided to not focus on a You tube channel because of my bad internet connection.
To upload HD videos frequently, this requires a powerful internet......which I haven't.
Of course my friend!!!!! I live between pines and aoks.......How can I have a good internet connection?? 😆

7) Thank you

Yes really. Thank you. Maybe a number of visitors doesn't mean anything for some of you but this is my only landmark to know if my content makes sense.
You are part of this success and you are always welcome here......without any restrictions.

I thank you for your patience and support.



  1. You're pretty good, mate. Keep it up! :)

    1. Thanks Leops. Glad you appreciate this place.
      You're welcome.


  2. Yay! I am glad this isn't a Youtube channel. Reading is fast. Watching is slow. And this way I can look at the still pictures for the details.

    1. Ahah, your comment is interesting. I never thought about that "reading is fast, watching is slow".
      You're correct. On the blog, people can watch image, or only read, or only click on the download button.
      They have choice and it's fast.

      Videos may be less precise. You are totaly right.

      Also, I'm unable to create 4K videos. And Youtube decreases the quality too.

      So, hopefully for you, the blog is like a book.
      Finally this blog is a bit my personal diary.....but public :)

      Thank you a lot Syl, I appreciate.

  3. Congratulations! Keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thanks Joe,

      I keep up showcases. Currently, I'm searching new ideas to include in this blog. So, I hope to create new content too. I'm thinking about that.

      Thanks for the support


  4. Congratulations on 1,000,000. You are unique on the web which is saying a lot. People like and appreciate your work and they tell their friends about this site. Keep doing your phenomenal work and your visitor totals will continue to grow. You deserve no less. Well done!

    1. Hi Roger,
      Some very kind words here. I appreciate a lot. the blog continue to follow its own way : diversity, quality, free speech, commentaries and more.
      That's how I do it and this will not change.

      you're welcome here.....and your friends too :)


  5. This is my first time making a comment on your blog. I only recently found this blog called "Skyrim Scandal" and I have to tell you that I enjoy it. What appealed to me is the body shape of you ladies, that shape highlights the Armor and Clothing that you showcase better than the one with overly large shapes. Thank you for creating this page and not having it on a very restricted YouTube.

    1. Thank you for this first comment Wolf :)
      Overlarge shapes is not my speciality. I can't hide that I have a preference for thin silouhettes :)
      But the most important is that people can create the shape they like with the uunp or cbbe bodyslide.

      So, the preset i use is just an example finaly.

      My work has more sense on a blog than on Youtube. Correct. More restrictions on Youtube probably, even if i stay very wise. But i didn't selected you tube mainly because of my internet speed. That's the main reason.
      Images allow to be more precise too. You tube is not precise and videos are strongly compressed.

      I did the right choice. Thanks for your confirmation.


  6. Keep up the good work Marmotte. I appreciate the dedication you put into your work.

    1. Hi Rolgar. Yes, i work hard and and I have a lot of dedication in this blog. I'm glad you see that. I keep up the work.

  7. Congratulations Marmotte keep up the good work .

    1. Thanks Kevin. I appreciate the support and the message. You're welcome.


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