A Girl Has Armor UUNP (Idye) 4K


"A girl has armor".....nice name for an armor. The modder notices that this armor is a port of Arya's look in the season 7 of Game of thrones. Nice choice too.

The original mod has been created on a UNP skinny model. This means the UNPetite bodyslided conversion should be perfect. These 2 bodies are very close (almost the same).

MacGrioghair writes this is his first go at making meshes from scratch. That's not an easy work and I appreciate the effort. Not all modders do that.

The armor goes against all actual tendencies. I mean, it's not skimpy. MacGrioghair breaks the actual habit to attract peoples with skimpy stuff. He is doing his own way.
A courage that we must notice. For this reason, I'll give him some points for this choice.

The mod comes with:
- the main armor (jacket, trousers, skirt)
- gloves
- boots
- a cloak
- a hood

All works well together. The armor is very lore friendly and is perfectly integrated to the game.
If you like this kind of content (like me), you can use the mod for your playthough very easily. You'll never look like an alien in the game :)
This is the kind of stuff for Idye.

So, we already have some strong points.

Unfortunatly, textures are definitly too much looooowwwwwwww 😆 Of course, I understand that modders are always careful about performances, but in this case, it's too excessive.
The trousers (texture 170kb) is horrible (worst than a vanilla texture). Hopefully, it's dark to hide the pain 😑

The jacket, the skirt and the cloak are a bit better. Slighty.... These parts could deserve less compressed textures. Too bad because the global spirit is good.
With some researches, I'm sure the modder can find free-to-use textures to improve his armor.
For this reason, I'm not doing close up shots. I'm not sure you like pixels 😋

side note: A retexture is available but looks as low as the original...So, I'm not interested.

About meshes. Disapointed too. The original is a UNPskinny and my body preset is UNPetite. Should be perfect.....It's not.
Big clippings on jonctions gloves/forearm and boots/tibia.

The hood is a little bit too small in my opinion. I have some clippings with the head on top of the scalp. The skirt clips frequently with trousers too.

A positive point, you can batch build the mod with just one clic. All weights are available too.

Finally, the best point of this armor is its silhouette. Indeed, The bodyslide matches perfectly to the preset. I mean, with this non skimpy armor, the global shape looks like your body preset. A very strong point.

Very difficult to give a global score. Some strong points and some very bad points. The modder knows it's not perfect and is ready to learn.
However, the armor is made from scratch and break actual habits. Points that I appreciate.
The Nexus community seems to not care about quality textures. Maybe I'm a bit too much demanding on this point.
Anyway, my score will be positive for the original creation, the effort and the generosity and I'm ready to forget a little bit these ugly textures.
However, for his next mod, I'm waiting better DDS with a good resolution and compression.


A Girl Has Armor UUNP by MacGrioghair

(Optional UUNP bodyslide by Shiva182) 


Leave it to chance!