Kawaii Dress UUNP + Retex 2K (Lorelei) 4K


That's a very simple dress. One esp, one dress :)
The mod is not recent but today is a good opportunity to showcase it because of the retexture 👍
Now, I believe that you know I like all works of retexturing in the entire game. Retexture always gives a second life to meshes.

In this case, meshes and the bodyslide are clean. Always some small clippings. That's hard to not have clippings with a dress. It is not HDT-PE nor SMP. It's the most basic you can find.... but boobs bound for those who like physic and science.
The UUNP bodyslide by Mistel is well done and match perfectly to the desired body.

The interesting part is the retexture.
Indeed, the original texture of the dress is......low...very low.......512......half of the 1K. 
Frostmir has created a new 2K texture for the dress. That's better now, really better....four times better 😊. With this new texture, the dress aquires precious details and they improve definitly this little cute dress.
So, an opportunity to try the work of someone I didn't know before this discovery. It's a nice work.
And Frostmir take request to retexture armors/ outfits. Fell free to ask him/her.

Simple mod, simple dress, new textures. Sometimes things are easy.


Kawaii Dress original by Shippin (not needed)

Kawaii Dress UUNP conversion by Mistel (all included)

Kawaii Dress 2K textures by Frostmir (tumblr)

direct link
Frostmir's Tumblr page


Leave it to chance!