Dragon Priestess Retex & Goodies UUNP (Lorelei) 4K

⬇ Default Lenght ⬇

⬇ Shorter Lenght ⬇


Edit: The file has been updated with more lengths and colors. So, now, you have more choice. The actual file is now more varied compared to my article.

That's a scandal !  That's perfectly a scandal ! It's fortunate, we are on Skyrim Scandal 😋

Special article today.....for a good reason. We have a retexture and a mashup together. The opportunity was great to do an article about it.

So, the base outfit is the Dragon Priestess UUNP, already showcased by your humble servant HERE .
So, it's required : the base and the UUNP bodyslide.

This outfit has been upgrade on textures. 4K textures now. It rocks. A true material. I like.
C5Kev, the creator of this retex provide 2 versions. The normal lenght and a new shorter lenght. Both are very good. I like the shorter version because the HDT effect on the robe is very (more) natural. Nice idea. A question of taste. You obtain this shorter version by adding the new node "NIalphaproperty" to the robe meshes (front and back). That's simply a transparency. It cuts the dress.

The dress is always so sexy and revealing :) I like.

The complete mashup suggests several mods:

- Yundao HDT hair pack to obtain the haircut with jewels and ribbons : https://pan.baidu.com/share/init?surl=i5ig0hZ
password Wi7z

- BDO Ranger Sitaila UUNP to obtain boots : http://wtfuun.tumblr.com/post/159040901960/bdo-ranger-sitaila-uunp-hdt-main-mod-required-by

You need everything to create the mashup. All C5Kev's work retex the main dress, hair and jewels and boots.

The result in game is really good. Hairs are HDT -PE too. So, everything moves. I did not notice fps drop . These hairs are really good. If you don't know them, that's an opportunity to try them.

Well, a very interesting retex with a new idea and some added value. I like added value.

So, the global score will be the score of my old article about the Dragon Priestess PLUS some bonus points for this new retex.
So we have:
 8.7 (original score) + 0.4 (bonus point) = 9.1

On Skyrim Scandal, we do mathematics........and images too 😁


Dragon Priestess Retex & Goodies UUNP Retex by C5Kev


  1. Replies
    1. So am I Wnise. They move very well. I agree.

  2. I can't seem to get the shorter version to work, I've copied the textures from the "Use For Dragon Priestess Chinese" folder to the main "00_ArsDazCnv" folder, overwriting the original textures as stated on the Loverslab mod page but the dress is still the same length only now the dress is stark white from the knee down and the retexture from the knee up. Any Ideas?

    1. Hi Joe,
      Yes I have the answer.
      Your textures are ok. But you need to edit just a little bit meshes once bodyslided.
      Open the dress.nif mesh (open the weight of your character : 0 or 1) in Nifskope. Click on the dress. Left column, on 30 nitrishape, right click, node, attach property, Ni alphaproperty.
      Do this for the front and the back of the robe.
      Your dress will be shorter now.

      If you have problems, send me your two priestess bodyslided meshes (dress_0.nif and dress_1.nif) on my Nexus mail. I'll do it for you.

    2. Awesome Thank You! I will try it out, if I can't get it I will send them to you through Nexus.
      Great Blog by the way! I really love it, keep up the good work!

    3. Thank you. I appreciate your message.

    4. Well I tried it but same result so I'll send them to you through Nexus, thanks Marmotte!

    5. Ok, i'm waiting it. send me your meshes already bodyslided.

    6. dress_0.nif and dress_1.nif :)

    7. Just sent them with a sharable link to my google drive through PM on Nexus

  3. Saddly, it seems that the mod was hidden by the author

  4. Does anyone have a copy of the mod?

  5. https://multiup.org/download/d42f9c00139eb8f90db13cafa493d270/Dragon_Priestess_Retex___Goodies_UUNP_pack_by_c5kev.7z


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