DEM Glam Clothes UUNP (Domino) 4K

DEM Glam Clothes UUNP


  1. y a un probleme avec le site des chintoks?jarive pas a voir le dl y a juste la page avec les ecriture chintok mais ya po des liien pour dl

    1. Le site chinois est parfois un peu lent a afficher, c'est vrai. Mais il marche. Fais plusieurs tentatives.
      Une fois que la page s'affiche, ouvre le dossier "DEMV2glamclothes CBBE UUNP". Dans le dossier, tu télécharge uniquement la ligne UUNP (45.5Mo). Ca marche je viens d'essayer. N'oublies pas le mot de passe.

  2. Just want to say you have a fine blog here :)
    Oh but pleeease change your body normal map for your cute girls,this Pride of Valhalla map is way to much. :D
    No criticism (who am i).

    1. Hi Zack,
      I don't use Pride of Valhalla. My normal maps are a mix between the original Fairskin complexion (hands, head) and FAMOUS (body) to create muscles.

      I use muscles only for Kissmiax (the orc) and Domino (the redguard).

      I think Kissmiax (orc) deserves muscles because of her very athletic and beasty body. In my vision, Orcs have a really superior and resistant body. Are you agree with that? Can I keep My orc like she is actually. Or do you have recommendations?

      Domino (redguard in this article) is a little bit less muscular but still very sporty. My goal is mainly to create better shapes and relief with her black skin. I want her a little bit different and more sporty compared to my other simple characters (Diana, Idye, Lorelei). So, for Domino, what is your recommendation? Is she really too much sporty?

      Don't worry for criticism. I like criticisms and I am open mind. Every comments are welcome and help me to go further and maybe to find new ideas.

      I'm waiting your answer.


    2. It looks like Pride of Valhalla ,maybe the autor use the same source.
      And yes for Orc's,i made a Orc woman and she is a Tank.
      I recommend Fitness Body from SvarogNL,he have softer Layer in it.
      But i know,the eye gets used fast and it's hard to change :D
      imho .)


    3. Ok, I'll give it a try. Nice suggestion. I'll try the fitness body for Domino. But my orc stays..."brutal" :)

  3. just one Q how do i get these clothes ingame? and btw this blog is awesome, i am glad i found it :)

    1. You can use a mod like Additemmenu to find them easily and to get all pieces rapidly.

    2. Thanks for that quick reply

  4. I can get the stuff into my inventory and wear it, but it is invisible. What can I do?

    1. hi,

      your instalation is probably not correct, and I think you installed wrong files.
      Download first the "DemV2 cloth", extract and remove only the calienteTools of this file.
      Then download the "DemV2 GlamClothes UUNP". This one is the good UUNP bodyslide.
      So, add this new calienteTools folder to your first file.

      Compress everything and install it with your favorite manager. You'll have a clean full file and you will be able to see it in game.

    2. The cloth is invisible because ther is only one race activated in ESP (it is the nord race) . For all other race the outfit will be invisible!

      You can open the esp with TES5Edit or CK and activate the rac you need.
      I do it for breton race an it work.

    3. Sorry, I had forgotten: No Vampire Races At all!

    4. Thank you Anonymous for the tip. I wasn't aware of this bug. I use mainly the Nord race, so i didn't meet this problem.
      Thanks again

  5. link expired :(

    1. You are correct. Links on Panbaidu don't last for a long time unfortunatly. I have already experiment that.
      Thanks for the information.

      I'll try to update the link as fast as possible.

      Sorry for the disturbance, and specially on a recent article.

    2. there is a new valid link.

  6. Marmotte, Marmotte, Marmotte ! Pour une raison que j'ignore, quand je convertis cet outfit avec bodyslide en uunp, ça ne correspond pas du tout au résultat souhaité pour mon preset. Enorme clipping etc, c'est la première fois que ça me fait ça. Tu avais rencontré ce genre de souci ?
    Au fait, tu gères.

    1. Salut Khan,

      Merci pour le commentaire :)

      1) Non , je n'ai pas rencontré de soucis pour ce sous vêtement. D'après mes retours, il ne fonctionne bien que sur la race nordique principalement. Sur les autres races, c'est possible que le résultat ne soit pas parfait...voire même invisible.

      2) mets bien a jour ton bodyslide (dernière version)

      3) Dans le dossier de téléchargement, télécharge uniquement le vêtement de base (DEMv2 Cloth.z7) et le bodyslide UUNP (Demv2 GlamClothes UUNP.z7). Tu n'as pas besoin du bodyslide CBBE.

      Voilà, je n'ai pas d'autre recomendations. N'hésites pas à me donner ton retour. Pour ma part, tu sais que je ne présente que des bodyslides qui fonctionne bien. Si le bodyslide est mauvais, incomplet ou trop clipper, tu as la garantie que je ne fais pas d'articles dessus.


    2. Je suis un débile, j'étais persuadé que ce follower était une norde...
      Merci pour ton aide Marmotte <3

  7. is there another line? i can't seem to download off this link you gave.

    1. The actual link is 100% valid. Do several tries. Sometimes, pages from china or Japan take some time to display. I don't have other links.
      I believe this link is the one of the original author.


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