ENB Test : HRK AIR ENB Millepon Custom 4K

HRK AIR ENB Millepon Custom

Today, an ENB test.

This ENB is based on AIR ENB. AIR ENB is an old ENB but with a very good reputation.
I know AIR ENB very good...i used it in 2014 (during 6 months). Nice souvenir πŸ˜ƒ
The modder of AIR ENB is HRK1025. A great japanese modder
He also made HRK ENB and SBF.

So, we have here a modified version of AIR ENB....a custom version.....a tweak, to be simple.
The modifier is Millepon. Millepon is japanese too.
A nice solution to try again the " AIR ENB spirit" with some improvements.
I wanted to retry a typical japanese ENB too.


First, HRK AIR ENB is a performance ENB. That means it's FPS friendly. It doesn't cost a lot of FPS. 
That's normal, the enb doesn't have some effects like  "adaptation", "skylighting", reflection", "volumetric rays".
You can activate them in the ENBGUI, but the original spirit is without them.
All my article is made with the original setting. I just increase some values (from low to high/very high).
Millepon recommends 0.262 binaries.........hhuummmm.....no, not possible for meπŸ˜†
I used 0.308 binaries for this test. 308 binaries are much better. 0.262 is too old for me. And you have more CTD with 0.262.....not with 0.308. 0.308 is much more optimized, simply.
i tested, results are the same (graphics).

So, what is my opinion about this ENB?

Well, the balance between graphics and performance are really great. Your GPU will be your friend.
You have all necessary effects for a very good experience . It's so smooth.
To be clear:

- in 1080p : 60fps (limited) - solid - constant - everywhere - no stutterings
- in 2160p : 30 - 40 fps exteriors - not solid 
                    60 fps interiors - solid

The performance in 4K is not so bad. 

So, yes, the strong point of this ENB is the performance of course.

And graphics?

Well, that's pretty decent. Few effects but a nice global result.

The water is superb. Nights are very clear. Landscapes are vivid.
The skin is correct. I've already seen better but that's good.
I really appreciate the sky. It's very pure. My clouds are wonderful.
The weak point of the ENB are INTERIORS. Lights are a little bit too much yellow/orange. This is the problem of all old ENBS. This can be tweak, but that's not the goal of my test. I always test the ENB out-of-the-box.

In fact this ENB brings one main question:

Why do peoples use "Killing FPS ENBS" instead of performance ENBS like this one?

Well, if you have a very good GPU, this ENB is maybe not the best choice.
But if you have between a GTX 650 and a GTX 960, this ENB is probably the good choice to have a nice graphic result and very good performance.
I definitly think retextures are more important than the ENB. You can have a great beautiful game with high retextures and a small FPS friendly ENB.

Well, that's a personnal choice, but killing all your fps with an enb is never a solution....nor for gameplay, nor for screenarchery, nor for pleasure. So, adapt it.

So, that's the reason this sort of ENB exist. You have great color (sometimes looks like RUDY ENB) and high fps.
You don't need a special weather type of special lighting. But you can make some tries.
Personally, i tested it with just ELFX. No weathers, no NLA, nothing special.

On a personal note, the ENB makes sense. More sense compare to certain ENB full of effects without any personality.

You want FPS and a smoothy Skyrim?
You want a realistic touch?
You want a vivid game?
You want a decent result?

Well, take this ENB. Not the best, but some nice features and easy to install.


Leave it to chance!