Resplendent Armor and Greatsword

Resplendent Armor and Greatsword Retex 2018

Resplendent Armor and Greatsword 2017 edition

Resplendent Armor......what a nice name!!!   😀

The armor name is important....well, for me it's important. This gives the first image, the first impression of the mod. And i'm sensible to the first impression. Doesn't make the mod, but it makes sense or not.

This armor is available for males and female. Good point.
The cloth part is HDT-PE. It moves. Realist?  yes of course. Positive point too.

The armor comes with a two handed sword...massive. Nicely done. Fits well with the armor.
In my last image (just above), you can see different versions of the armor. The metal changes (shiny or somber) and you can choose different colors for the cloth part (white, purple, red, green, blue).

I prefer the shiny one. Much better result with the ENB. With the dark version, you miss some details.
Meshes are very good for both gender (i only showcase the female armor).

Well, the mod is very good. It's a nice work. The armor makes sense and is replendent...that's the goal. I really appreciate the various colors available. Green, red and white bring diversity to the armor.

I'm just disappointed about something...........textures. From far, it's ok. But when you come closer, when you make close up, textures are pixelated. The reason why i didn't make a 4K set.
The armor has poor 2K textures. Looks like 1K resized to 2K. The armor deserves better textures for sure. A very good 2K for example.

Well, a very nice armor, in the same spirit as the "Valkyrie armor" or as the "Breton Paladin".
But this one is just a little bit under due to low textures.

Nice armor, i recommend.

Global score

COMMENTARY Edition 2018 Retex 4K/2K

The armor has been fully redone on meshes and textures.
The weak textures of the old version have been entirely remade. They are wonderful and now the armor is really resplendent. My first commentary for the 2017 edition is full of sense now, and I'm glad that this update improve the armor. Really nice job. The global score is better.

Global score

Resplendent Armor and Greatsword by Sarcasticshark 2017

Resplendent Armor and Greatsword retexture and meshes 2018 by Czano


  1. Cape part of the armor makes it one of the most mythical armor. Loves other aspects too..

    1. That's right. The HDT-PE is nicely done here. We don't find a lot of heavy plated armors with this effect. The HDT-PE effect is mainly used for female characters and light armors.

      So, the effect is welcome here and make it one of the most mythical armor. I agree.

      Thanks for your opinion.


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