Light Mage Outfit UUNP (Diana) 4K


For this article, i use the Grim and Somber ENB by Wolfgrimdark.
I use the Jyggalag version.

This is a superb ENB, powerful,100% cinematic, stable, and unique. Despite the fact I prefer realist ENBS, i like to use this ENB when I am in the mood. And today, i want to use it.

This ENB is very easy to use and i recommend it. There are no requirements to use it. You don't need special weathers or lighting mods to have a good result. Fits perfectly for Vanilla Build.
The ENB fits well to my actual setting. I have just desactivated NLA and my Vivid weather options.

By default, the ENB is very good. You don't need to tweak it....except for Fairskin complexion me.

If you use the default setting of the subsurface scattering, FSC will be ugly. I mean, the skin of your character will be "flashy", "pink or yellow explosion", "no detailled".

So, i use this opportunity to share with you my setting of the Subsurface scattering to have a good result for Fairskin Complexion users (only with GS Jyggalag).

Thank you

Fair skin Complexion and Grim and somber Jyggalag

Light Mage Outfit UUNP by Darknsky (full standalone)


  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2020

    Thank you for the lovely post, Marmotte :) I was actually wondering if you had any trouble getting this outfit to work. For me, it shows up fine in the bodyslide program, and the mesh packed in the archive also shows up on my character when the armor is equipped, but when I generate a new mesh with bodyslide and try to use that, the armor becomes "invisible". (And yes -- I turned off devious device hider, that usual suspect) I'm frustrated because the quality of the armor actually looks quite good, and I would love to have it in my game.

    1. Hi,

      No, i didn't have any issues with this outfit.

      However, i did this article with Diana...and she is a Nord.

      If the armor becomes invisible, that's probably due to the fast that this outfit is "maybe" only for Nords in the esp.
      Do you use another specific race?

    2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2020

      Oh my gosh, that's it! I'll go and enable it for Bretons and Imperials. I did not notice or expect that in the esp! Thank you for your help :) I really appreciate it, hope you have a lovely day!

  2. AnonymousJuly 11, 2020

    Hmm, it's not as easy a fix as that, unfortunately. The race was "default race" in the ESP and trying it on a Nord character didn't help. I reinstalled the mod and bodyslided it again, but nothing doing... oh well!


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