Valkyrie Armor by Zerofrost (Diana) 4K


The Valkyrie armor doesn't really need a commentary.....I think you already know my opinion about it.
This is perfect on all points.

Yes, this is not UNP...who cares??? this is a full covered no need a compatibility. This works on all bodies.
Textures are just wonderful: the full armor, the cape, the sword and the shield of course.

High-quality must try it...even if you don't like heavy armors.

A body slide has been released several weeks ago......I didn't catch it in time...too bad for me. It has been removed again. So, I can't promote this bodyslide.

This armor is a jewel...images are the best comment i can give.

Note: I highly recommend to activate the reflection interior/exterior in the ENBGUI. The armor reacts a lot to reflection :) So,  use it!

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Valkyrie Armor by Zerofrost


  1. WOW! Diana looks wonderful in that armor! I love the images you have of her in action! The one with the all the little lights is magical!

    1. Thanks Bengal. This armor is a pure jewel.....and Diana likes shiny things :)
      Glad you like this showcase.
      Thank you a lot for your fidelity.



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