Ciri's outfit UNP 4K - retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)
Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)

Ciri's outfit UNP 4K retex by Pfuscher (Idye)


Definitly one of the best outfit available for Skyrim.
This mod is near perfection on all points. 2 swords and a dagger are available with the outfit.

  • 4K retextures by Pfuscher are absolutly wonderful. This is a masterpiece. Materials are true and textures are a pleasure for the eyes.. This is a true 4K.

  • Meshes are perfect and clipping
  • It's lore friendly, feminine and stylish
  • It's beautiful to watch it moving. 

Well, that's perfect..i can't say more. This is a must have

I only notice 2 errors:
The first is the bodyslide UUNP. Boots and gloves are not good. They need an update.
The second is the fur collar. There is a problem of light edition ( reflection or normalmap) . In the shadow, the fur still shines....
But these 2 errors are nothing important....the outfit is still perfect.
Global Score:


Leave it to chance!